Two Reasons To Install Deadbolt Locks In Your Home

If you own your home, keeping it safe and secure is a key concern. However, you may lack the knowledge and expertise needed to know the steps that are needed to keep the house safe from criminal activity. In particular, it can be common for individuals to be unsure of the benefits that can come from installing deadbolt locks on their doors. Once you better appreciate the benefits that this relatively inexpensive upgrade will provide, you should be much better positioned to decide whether it is a suitable investment for your home.

Enhanced Security

One of the primary benefits of installing a deadbolt lock is that it will be far more secure than a traditional lock. This is due to the fact that a deadbolt can not be easily picked from the outside. However, if you choose a single-cylinder, you will want to make sure that it is not positioned near a window. Single-cylinder locks have a handle on the interior that controls the lock rather than a key. As a result, placing the deadbolt near a window may allow a criminal to break the window, reach through the broken glass pane and release the lock. If your door is configured so that it is not possible to place the lock out of reach of the window, you should opt for a double-cylinder lock as these require the use of keys for controlling the lock from both the inside and outside.

Savings On Insurance Premiums

Another important benefit that can come from deadbolt locks is that they can reduce your expenses for insurance coverage. Homeowner's insurance may be one of your largest monthly expenses, but your policy likely has rewards, discounts and other benefits for making some basic security and safety enhancements to the house.

Many insurance companies value the enhanced protection that a deadbolt lock can provide. As a result, they may encourage their customers to have this upgrade completed by offering discounts on the monthly premium payments. However, you will need to speak with your insurance agent so that you choose a lock that meets the criteria of the insurance company and retain the appropriate paperwork to verify this upgrade was completed.

If you are wanting to improve the security of your house, having a deadbolt lock installed on your door can be an economical way of helping to secure your property. By having a strong appreciation for the security enhancing benefits of this upgrade as well as the fact that your insurance may offer discounts for this investment, you should be better equipped to make a decision about this type of investment.

About Me

Replacing Your Home Locks

The day I moved into my home, I realized that I needed to change a few things right away. First and foremost, I realized that I needed to replace my front door and garage locks, since I had no idea how many keys had been made. I started looking around for a great lock that I could install on my own, but I realized that it might be better to have a professional locksmith do the job. I worked with a professional to choose a front door lock and handle that was as attractive as it was secure. Check out this blog for more information about locks, keys, and safes, so that you can protect your home.
